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Our House system is an important part of our school community, providing students with a sense of belonging, identity, and camaraderie. Our Houses are named after significant Catholic figures and have their unique motto and history.

House Week Celebrations

Each House has a designated week where House Leaders plan a range of different activities for students to participate in, including sports tournaments, trivia competitions, and community service projects.

These activities are designed to celebrate the unique identity and spirit of each House and promote a sense of unity and camaraderie among House members.

House Carnivals

Our House Carnivals, including the House Athletics Carnival and House Swimming Carnival, provide students with the opportunity to compete against their peers in a range of sporting events and swimming races.

These events are highly anticipated by students and provide a great opportunity for students to showcase their skills, compete in a supportive and inclusive environment, and build strong bonds with their peers.

The House system is an essential component of our College community and provides students with a sense of belonging, identity, and purpose. Our House Weeks and House Carnivals are just some of the events and activities that we host to celebrate the unique spirit of each House and promote a sense of unity and camaraderie across our school.

Avila House

Faith and Action

Avila House, named after Teresa of Avila, a renowned Carmelite nun, embodies the motto "Faith and Action." Teresa of Avila was a literary figure known for her significant contributions, including 'Devotion of Heart' and 'Devotion of Peace'. Her teachings emphasize that serenity and peace of mind come through acceptance of change, and belief and trust in God. Canonized by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, and named a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI in 1970, she continues to inspire the ethos of Avila House, fostering an environment of faith, action, and personal growth

MacKillop House

Caring and Determined

MacKillop House is named after Mary MacKillop, who was determined to give young Australians an education. Her acts of kindness and compassion are reflected in the MacKillop House motto, "Caring and Determined," which encourages students to be caring and compassionate towards others while remaining determined in their pursuit of their goals.

McAuley House

Serve and Inspire

McAuley House is named after Catherine McAuley, the founder of the Sisters of Mercy. McAuley encouraged her Sisters to "educate poor girls, to lodge and maintain poor young women who are in danger, and to visit the sick poor." The McAuley House motto, "Serve and Inspire," reflects McAuley's commitment to service and inspires students to make a positive impact on their community.

Nagle House

Enlighten and Empower

Nagle House is named after Nano Nagle, a Presentation Sister who was known as the "Lady with the Lantern" for her work with the poor and charitable contributions. The Nagle House motto, "Enlighten and Empower," reflects Nagle's commitment to empowering others through education and shining a light on those in need.

Rice House

Victory in Unity

Rice House is named after Mary Rice, the shared name of Edmund Rice’s wife and daughter. Edmund founded the Christian Brothers. Mary Rice suffered from a disability, and many Mary Rice foundations around the world specialise in the education of children with physical and intellectual disabilities. The Rice House motto, "Victory in Unity," reflects the importance of teamwork and unity in achieving success.