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Developing leadership skills is a vital part of personal growth and student development. We provide a broad array of leadership opportunities designed to nurture students' abilities, enhance their self-confidence, and empower them to create a positive influence within the College community.

The student leadership council at St Bernard's College plays a pivotal role in amplifying the student voice, empowering students to take ownership of their actions, fostering mentorship and leadership opportunities, and cultivating essential leadership qualities as vital life skills.

This is achieved through various means, including organising annual events such as Edmund Rice Day, where students take charge of planning and execution, refining and pursuing new ideas and initiatives across different aspects of College life, providing platforms for students to represent the College at external events, and offering mentorship opportunities for senior council members to guide younger students in class captain roles.

College Captains

In Year 12, students have the opportunity to apply for various leadership positions, including College Captain, Ministry Captain, Arts Captain, Academic Captain, Sports Captain, Wellbeing Captain, or House Captain. These positions allow students to take on a leadership role within their chosen area of interest and work closely with their peers and teachers to make a positive impact on the College community.

Year 11 & 12 Student Council

In addition to the portfolio roles mention above, there are several Year 12 and Year 11 Council members who support the College Captains in their leadership roles. These Council members work collaboratively to plan and implement various initiatives and activities that benefit the school community.

Class Captains

Class Captains are appointed by their peers for each homeroom.

This provides students with the opportunity to take on a leadership role within their own class and work closely with their classmates to promote a positive and supportive learning environment.

We believe that every student has the capacity to be a leader and make a difference in their community. We provide a range of leadership opportunities that cater to different interests and skill sets, enabling students to find a role that aligns with their passions and strengths. We encourage all students to get involved in our leadership initiatives and to develop their leadership skills in a supportive and empowering environment.