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Reference: Clairvaux 1985

The meeting decided to increase the membership subscription to $15 per family. It was felt all parents should share in the work of the Association in providing additional funds for the College.

From 1982 to 1984 over $54,000 was raised for special projects within the College – the computers, the College bus and the oval development were all funded in large part by the parents.

The raffle held in the second term was our main fundraising effort. Thanks to a hard working raffle committee , this raised nearly $10,000 . The total amount raised this year should be in the vicinity of $20,000. The second annual Cabaret was held at the Cockpit Restaurant, Airport West.

The Association is a member of the Victorian Parents Council. This body is an non-political, interdenominational organisation concerned with the education of all children, particularly those in non-government schools. The Council monitors government thinking on the funding of private schools and keeps us informed. We support the Council in its efforts and echo its concern regarding present trends in this regard.

Our sincere thanks go to Principal Br Bond for his interest and support. In spite of many demands on his time, he was regular in his attendance at our meetings and kept us informed of activities within the College. We appreciate being given the opportunity to be involved in the formation of an Interim Advisory Board and we assure him of our loyalty and support.

Jim Ruth, Secretary

Ms Maureen Kavanagh