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Also in this edition

Tuesday, 8 March was International Women's Day for 2022

At St Bernard's, we understand the importance of this day and striving for a gender equal world. Being an all boys school we want to ensure we are instilling a culture of respect in our young men, so that we can work towards a future where gender inequality is a thing of the past

On Tuesday, Our fantastic VCAL Students catered a morning tea for our staff to celebrate International Women's Day.

This was followed by a virtual whole school assembly on Friday, with our College Leaders each speaking on the importance of the day. We also invited guest speaker Naomi from One Girl to speak to our young men about her important work, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa to bridge the gender inequality gap.

Naomi - One Girl

A massive thank you to Naomi for her time, her speech certainly provided plenty of food for thought to our young men and how they can be proponents for change.