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Also in this edition

On Friday, 6 May, The College celebrated Edmund Rice Feast Day

We started the day with a full school mass, providing ourselves the opportunity to reflect on what the day means to us all individually and celebrate the life of Edmund Rice. Students then departed on a 10km "Solidarity Walk" along the Maribyrnong, which concluded back at the College, where our students found the grounds full of exciting activities and food trucks galore!

Money raised on the day was donated to Brother Beausang - Edmund Rice Catholic Education Centre

In the coming weeks, 12 students across Years 7-12 will be participating in the Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders 'Global Classroom Project', where they will have the opportunity to video conference with schools around the world (including BBCEC) to strengthen our bonds with the global Edmund Rice community.

A photo of Edmund Rice Day celebrations at Brother Beausang - Kenya

We hope everyone had a great day and had an opportunity for some personal reflection.