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Also in this edition

1982 Bendigo – St Bernard’s 150

Reference: Paul McAllister - Clairvaux 1982


A Run-a-thon/Relay, the Bendigo – St Bernard’s 150 was held on Wednesday, 30th June. This is the first time such a venture has been undertaken by St. Bernard’s. Fifteen runners from Years 9 – 12 and two teachers completed the course of 150 km from Bendigo to Essendon in 11 Hours.

The runners were driven to Bendigo on the Tuesday night by Brother Cunneen, Mr Spiller and Mr Donnelly. After a television interview on the major Bendigo network BCV 6, we bunked down for the night in St Killian’s Primary School Library.

At midnight we were ready to leave Bendigo Town Hall, as we thought, but mistook if for the Post Office!! The Mayor of Bendigo interviewed Mr Spiller and School Captain, Paul Quinn, before he presented us with letters to deliver to the Mayor of Essendon and to the school.

The runners battled on through dark, cold, and frosty conditions, with mist like low cloud. Highlights of the journey were when a cow charged Craig Rayner while he was running, Jeremy Sullivan missing the Tooborac turn-off and Brother Cunneen waiting with the bus for an hour before petrol stations opened, as we barely had enough fuel to carry us over the Great Divide. The police escorted the last few runners from Westfield Shoppingtown, Airport West.

We arrived at St Bernard’s, where the Mayor of Essendon greeted us along with the rousing cheers of the school. Money collected will go to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and a Student Council Fund. The money raised, exceeded $1,100. Thank you to all those who made this event possible, and we hope it will continue in future years.

Runners were: Mr Spiller, Mr Donnelly, Paul Quinn, Paul McGuire, Jeremy Sullivan,

Joe McConnell, Paul McAllister, Peter Mulkearns, Peter Noon, Tony Dineen, Des Burke,

Danny Sexton, Mark Daffy, Craig Whitehead, Mark Lynch, John Turville, Craig Rayner


Ms Maureen Kavanagh