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Also in this edition

On Thursday 11 May, students had the privilege of viewing in a presentation from The Storey Players, titled The Forgotten Warrior. This play focused on the life of Peter Craigie, an Indigenous man who fought in World War I. This play highlighted the injustices and challenges Indigenous people faced when signing up to defend our country. The students deeply engaged in this experience, which linked well to the Humanities and English curriculum. In speaking to many of the students, the common feedback was they greatly enjoyed the play and most importantly, learnt about this component of Australian history.

On Monday 15 May, we had a great moment, where all of the students were present at once, for the first, and probably only time this year. We took a photo to celebrate and commemorate the first St Bernard’s cohort to learn at Resurrection House.

Over the next few weeks, the students will be undertaking their Semester One exams, where they have an opportunity to prove their learnings and reap the rewards of a semester of hard work. For parents, if you didn’t get a chance to attend the exam preparation night, a copy of the event’s slides can be found on the Year 9 MySBC page (titled Exam Prep Yr. 9), as well as the exam timetable. It provides some great strategies for the students to implement to ensure they are best positioned to do well.

To support this, I have also developed a guide for students regarding Homestudy. I have included this in the article and it outlines to students how to best record their work to do at home. Over the next few weeks, a big focus will be on further supporting students to be responsible for their learning in this way. The guide also outlines that students never have “no howework”, and the process of active study, or reviewing and summarising the day’s learning at home is vital.

Finally, from next week onwards, Cross Country training will be held at Resurrection House every Thursday for all students from 7-12, to utilise our close proximity to the Maribyrnong River. It will be a great opportunity for Year 9’s to connect with boys from the other year levels, but also for the rest of the student body to see Resurrection House. Training begins at 6:45am.

Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Mr Jacob Sweeney
