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Also in this edition

St Bernard’s College is committed to a culture of zero tolerance for child abuse. We promote a culture that prioritises the safety and wellbeing of all young people and continue to respond positively and proactively to Ministerial Order 1359 in relation to related policies, procedures, strategies, risk mitigation and our responsiveness to emerging issues.

St Bernard’s College is committed to the establishment of a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people are respected and valued.

As we begin the new academic year at St Bernard’s’ College it is timely to advise that the Child Safeguarding policies have been updated and can be accessed on the College website at https://www.sbc.vic.edu.au/child-safety-and-protection . All staff have been appraised of these updates via professional learning sessions. We recommend both parents and students review the policies to ensure they are aware of their obligations and responsibilities with respect to child safeguarding. If you have any questions, please contact the (Acting) Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing, Caroline Neil cneil@sbc.vic.edu.au

There are five key documents that underpin our work in this area:

  • Our Child Safeguarding (Safety and Wellbeing) Policy and Procedures demonstrates the strong commitment of the College to child safety and wellbeing, and to creating and maintaining a child safe and child-friendly environment. It outlines the key elements of our approach to implementing Ministerial Order 1359. In addition, there is a student version of the child safety policy and procedures available on the college website.

  • Our Child Safeguarding (Responding and Reporting Obligations) Policy and Procedures demonstrates the strong commitment of the College to child safety and provides an outline of the policies and practices that we have developed to keep our students safe, including from abuse or other harm.

  • Our Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy and Procedures has the objective of promoting child safety in the College environment and safeguarding students at the College against sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse or neglect. It aligns with the College’s stance of zero tolerance against child abuse.

  • The Child Safeguarding Complaints Management Policy and Procedures sets out how the College, as a child safe organisation has and implements a child-focused complaints handling system and manages child safeguarding-related complaints.

  • The Student Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct has been developed to clearly set out the child safe standards of behaviour related to child safety and wellbeing that students are expected to abide by.

The College Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

St Bernard’s College endorses, implements, and complies with the EREA Statement of Commitment to Child Safety.

St Bernard’s College commitment to child safety is based on the following overarching principles that guide the development and regular review of our work systems, practices, policies, and procedures to protect children from abuse.

  1. All children have the right to be safe.

  2. The welfare and best interests of the child are paramount.

  3. The views of the child and a child’s privacy must be respected.

  4. Clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children are established in the Child Safety Code of Conduct.

  5. The safety of children is dependent on the existence of a child-safe culture.

  6. Child safety awareness is promoted and openly discussed within our College Community.

  7. Procedures are in place to screen all staff, external education providers, contractors, and volunteers who have direct contact with children.

  8. Child safety and protection is everyone’s responsibility.

  9. Child protection training is mandatory for all College EREA Victorian Schools Board members, staff, and volunteers.

  10. Procedures for responding to alleged or suspected incidents of child abuse are simple and accessible for all members of the College Community.

  11. Children from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds have the right to special care and support including those who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

  12. Children who are vulnerable have the right to special care and support.

  13. Children who have any kind of disability have the right to special care and support.