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Also in this edition

And… another term has vanished.

Music at SBC

It has been an incredible term for all of the students learning music at St Bernard’s College!

A collaborative college production, Subject Selection Evening, Languages Week Assembly, MacKillop House Performance, St Bernard’s Day Mass, ACC Music Concert Band Day Workshop, the first ever LunchLive performance at Resurrection House, the Spring Concert, ACC Rock Band Workshop and Battle of the Bands, two VCE music evenings and the Student Leaders Investiture. It has been an experience like no other for all of the young men involved in the music for these college events.

Recently, the college Rock Band headed up to St Mary’s College to participate in the ACC Rock Band Workshop and Battle of the Bands. It was an incredible experience for the junior students as it was their very first time competing in the annual competition. Although we were not the winners, their original song, “Be Better” sounded incredible, and ended with an erupting applause from all of the students across the ACC Music Community.

Last week, St Bernard’s College hosted the annual Spring Concert, where we said our goodbyes to all of the Year 12 students who have dedicated their commitment over the past six years to the college ensembles. All of the Year 12 students should feel very proud of their efforts. We wish you all the best of luck as you start your new journey.

Not only was this a terrific evening for our Year 12 students, it was an evening that celebrated and welcomed the 2024 ensemble captains. Congratulations and well done to all those members involved.

Upcoming Events

Next term, there are many music events in our calendar:

  • 12th of October – Graduation Mass

  • 18th of October – Avila House Mass

  • 18th of October – Design Technology Exhibition Evening Performance

  • 1st of November – LunchLive at Essendon

  • 8th of November – LunchLive at Resurrection House

  • 16th of November – Soiree Evening

  • 23rd of November – Semester Two Year 7 Music Concert

  • 6th of December – Full School Assembly

Good luck to all the young men involved. These are going to be awesome and unforgotten experiences!

Music Lessons

Signing up for Music lessons for Term 4 have opened on Trybooking and closes on the 6th of October. Any parent/guardian who misses the sign up date or has any questions, please email the Music Administrator, Michelle Puglisi at mpuglisi@sbc.vic.edu.au, or contact the Head of Music, Joshua Romeo at jromeo@sbc.vic.edu.au.

Music Lessons Trybooking Link: https://www.trybooking.com/CLAJO

Friends of Music

Friends of Music is an opportunity for parents and members of the St Bernard’s Community to get involved in the music program, and with that contribute to creating as many opportunities as possible for all the young men involved. Looking ahead, it is our hope to raise money for a more diverse collection of innovative instruments. If you would like to join Friends of Music, please email the Head of Music, Joshua Romeo.


Mr Joshua Romeo