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Also in this edition

Music at SBC

Term 4 is coming close to an end, and yet, there is so much more music to come for the young men at St Bernard’s College.

Already there have been a number music events this term, including, Drumline performing at the Student Leader Investiture, VCE students, Massimo Fabiani and Benjamin Tran performing two of their pieces from the VCE Music Performance repertoire for the Year 12 Gradation, Pastoral ­– The College Liturgical Ensemble performing at the Graduation Mass, and many students across all year levels performing live at the Design Technology and Art Exhibition. Well done and congratulations to all the young me who continue to perform express their love of music.

Upcoming Events

As the end of the term draws closer and closer, so do the upcoming music events:

  • 9 November – Semester Two Music Bursary Auditions

  • 16 November – Semester Two Soiree Evening

  • 23 November – Semester Two Year 7 Music Concert

  • 29 November – Brass students perform Christmas Carols for Raylene Boyer Retirement Village

  • 6 December – Symphonic Band Perform at the Final Day Assembly

Good luck to all the young men involved, particularly the young Year 7 students as they take their first step in their musical journey.

Music Lessons

Signing up for Music lessons is still possible. Any parent/guardian who wishes to sign up or has any questions, please email the Music Administrator, Michelle Puglisi at mpuglisi@sbc.vic.edu.au, or contact the Head of Music, Joshua Romeo at jromeo@sbc.vic.edu.au.

Friends of Music

Friends of Music is an opportunity for parents and members of the St Bernard’s Community to get involved in the music program, and with that contribute to creating as many opportunities as possible for all the young men involved. Looking ahead, it is our hope to raise money for a more diverse collection of innovative instruments. If you would like to join Friends of Music, please email the Head of Music, Joshua Romeo.

Joshua Romeo


Mr Joshua Romeo