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Also in this edition

“Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves” Horace Mann

Life presents significant challenges for many families within our College community but it can also be a time of hope.

The Social Justice Network would like to encourage more parents to join the group and contribute towards assisting others and advancing worthy causes.

More about SBCSJN

The St Bernard’s College Social Justice Network (SBCSJN) is a group run by parents interested in engaging actively in justice work as well as meeting on a monthly basis to see how social justice can become alive more fully in their own lives as well as their families (stbernardssocialjusticenetwork.weebly.com).

SBCSJN believes in the intrinsic goodness of humankind and that through the positive relationships and partnerships of parents, staff and students working for social justice for all, we can help our children have a positive hopeful view of the future.

SBCSJN’s popular annual information night to spread messages of social justice within the College community occurs each year in August.

Meetings are held at 7pm in the Peter Hogan Boardroom at the College on the third Wednesday each month (next meeting 15th March 2023).

All parents are invited to come along and join the group. You will be most welcome.