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Also in this edition

Student Leadership at Resurrection House is comprised of team of student leaders who serve as Class Captain and Portfolio Captains. The Class Captain is responsible for representing their class and coordinating activities.

The Portfolio Captains oversee specific areas of focus within the school community. Together, these leaders work to promote a positive and inclusive environment, encourage academic excellence, foster a sense of community through sports and arts, and support the overall wellbeing of students. They play a key role in organising events, leading initiatives, and being role models for their peers. The Year 9 student leadership team meet regularly with the Dean of Campus and Year Level Leaders to collaborate and ensure student voice is heard and actioned. Leaders at Resurrection House model servant leadership qualities that promote an inclusive community inside and outside of the St Bernard’s College community.

The 2024 captains are:

Academic - Xavier Dinh and Caesar Yacoub

Arts - Caden Daly and Ben Norrish

Ministry - Kurt Sumayao and Jude Barrett

Sports - Charlie Tudor and Tevita Rodan

Wellbeing - Fionn O'Brien and Paul Smith

Class Captains

9A - Shawne Essendi

9B - Jack Carlier

9C - Walid Darwish

9D - Caeden Amy

9E - Zach Pernasilici

9F - Hayden Saunders

9G - Joshua Gorman

9H - James Darmanin

9I - Marcus Longo

9J - Kristijan Clark


Below are reports about Term 1 in the various portfolios, written by the captains.


As the first term of school nears its end, the students of Year Nine have been completing their final set of NAPLAN tests vigorously. Upon this, summative tests from numerous subjects have been assigned to the students of the campus. Each test is used to examine how well each student has understood the topics of all subjects they have been learning about for the past 8 weeks. Overall, the Year 9 students have had a great start to the school year, and we hope for the best to come for all students at Resurrection.


During our time as the Year 9 Art portfolio captains, we have so many open opportunities for the Year 9s to get involved. That includes Chicago the Musical, that is currently holding rehearsals, and the upcoming Year 9 play. If you want to be involved with the Ave Maria and St Bernard’s Play, feel free to email Ms Crane (BCrane@sbc.vic.edu.au). They don’t just want actors, they need help with back stage, set design and more. It is always a very fun time with everyone no matter what you do.

If you would like to be in Media Crew and handle cameras and take photos at assemblies or year level/school events, please email Mr Cimino (jcimino@sbc.vic.edu.au). That is everything from Ben and Caden at the moment and there will be more to come!


Ministry at Resurrection House has gotten off to a great start this year. It is incredible to see so many people getting involved in Masses and the CARITAS Project Compassion campaign. We would love to see more students stepping up and donating to this cause, if all of us contribute $6.70 then our school will have raised over $10,000 which will go towards helping the less fortunate. On Monday 25 March, we will be hosting the casual clothes day where it is expected that you bring a gold coin donation which will also go to Project Compassion. Overall the term is off to a great start and we look forward to the events planned in the future.


In Year 9 there has been plenty of sport on display. To start the year we had training commence for the Cross Country squad, and the ACC Athletics. Midway through the term ACC high performance classes began, with sports including AFL and Soccer. Also the Year 9 students had a fiery netball game against the staff, with the controversial calls from Mr Waters, the teachers triumphed.


During the past 7 weeks, we have all noticed a mindful approach to thriving in school. Most people have adapted to the different campuses with a positive mindset and dealt with the struggles they have faced so far this year. I can't wait for a positive year working with you all.

Mr Jacob Sweeney
