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Also in this edition

The Year 9’s have had a fantastic start to the year and have settled in well to life at Resurrection House. The students have quickly made it their own, and staff have been impressed with the effort and positivity around the campus. It has been a busy time, with the opening school Mass and House Athletics Carnival, and it has been great to see students giving everything a go.

We participated in the Ash Wednesday liturgy, where we marked the beginning of Lent in the Marian Shrine. 12 students volunteered to lead the liturgy, by reading and distributing the ashes. The liturgy focused on the need to fast, pray, give of yourself and make a difference to others during Lent.

Following on from this, we have begun our Project Compassion campaign, raising awareness and funds for those less fortunate.

9A have just concluded their time at Santa Monica, where they have formed strong bonds that will hold them in good stead for the year ahead. The students excelled in the goal to finish their experience a better version of themselves, and enjoyed immersing in the coastal environment, in particular the surfing and hiking programs.

9F have been the first class to complete their Urban Engagement program, exploring the city and investigating issues and different areas of interest. The program culminates with a family night where the ‘Secret Life of Melbourne’ projects are presented. The class have shown tremendous dedication to their work, and I look forward to seeing this translate to the classroom at Resurrection House.

Looking ahead, NAPLAN is just around the corner, which will provide another challenge for the students to overcome and succeed with. Next week, 9B head to Santa Monica and 9G begin Urban Engagement.

We will also soon have our first student led assembly, which will provide students the opportunity to share their own thoughts on how they have found the start to the year. We look forward to seeing the Year 9s continue to rise to the occasion and step outside their comfort zone, trying new things, as they are regularly given opportunities to do so.

Mr Jacob Sweeney
