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Also in this edition

Urban Engagement Reflection

As with anything else, Urban Engagement was a bit daunting at first, for catching public transport all the way into the city and navigating around this busy location without teachers or another adult wasn’t something I was used to. After four weeks in the city, I proved myself wrong. My confidence in moving around the city and its surrounds, catching different trams, trains and buses improved greatly. It was up to students to decide how to get from one place to another and if we caught the wrong tram, we had to figure it out and work out how to rectify the situation. We were trusted to get back to CTC when expected. I had not anticipated how exciting this was, and on top of that, I also made new friends and developed solid connections with my peers.

I really liked the concept of exploring the city and discovering new things. Some places were seriously incredible! I am sure that you will be amazed at the crazy number of places in the city that you didn’t even know existed. No matter what time you go this year you’ll enjoy Urban Experience more than anything else!

My advice to you before going onto Urban Experience is not to think about the worries before you go! You will be supported, you will spend time with your peers, and you will learn a great deal about the wonderful city in which you live.

Martin Galluzzo

During my stint with Urban Engagement, it dawned on me that I was having one of the most memorable experiences of my school life. For four weeks straight, I strolled through the vibrant streets of Melbourne alongside my classmates, uncovering the city's attractions. Urban Engagement wasn't just a program; it was an adventure, a journey of discovery. Throughout those weeks, Melbourne revealed itself in all its hustle and bustle. I witnessed the people scurrying about their daily lives, cars blaring their horns, and the aroma of multicultural cuisines mingling with the scent of fuel and exhaust. The city was alive with chatter, and traffic. Urban Engagement was about immersing ourselves in city life, navigating its streets via public transport, and seizing every opportunity to explore. Each day brought new activities, each one more enjoyable than the last, not just for me, but for my peers too. But it wasn't just about the fun; Urban Engagement taught me valuable life lessons. Negotiating public transport daily instilled in me a sense of independence, requiring me to manage my time, stay organized, and be accountable. I honed practical skills like navigating the city's streets, mastering the PTV app, and discerning the intricacies of tram and train routes. Reflecting on the experience, I can't help but wonder about its lasting impact. Will the knowledge and skills I've gained serve me well in the future? How will future participants benefit from this journey of discovery? For those four weeks, Urban Engagement felt like a vacation—an exciting escapade with friends, brimming with anticipation and exploration. As it draws to a close, I'm filled with gratitude for the memories created and the lessons learned. Urban Engagement wasn't just an excursion; it was a transformative experience, one that I'll cherish forever.

Harry Osman

Santa Monica Reflections

At Santa Monica, I enjoyed surfing and canoeing the most. These activities were all things that I’d never done before, and I found them both enjoyable. I think everyone has learnt that they are capable of pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. The staff there are often speaking about resilience. The challenges you face at Santa Monica are all put in front of you for your own benefit. These include the hikes, jobs, and homesickness. You need to show resilience to get through these things.

There are lots of things that we found challenging, but eventually, you realise that complaining only makes the experience less enjoyable.

You need to make the most of the opportunities to try things that you’ve never done before.

Lucas Price

The Santa Monica Experience is one not to forget. You leave your phones for the week and get to experience the world around you and get to experience one of the best coasts in the world. There are fun activities such as surfing and canoeing and also activities that will test you such as hiking, but stay confident and you will succeed and have plenty of fun. Embrace the experience and get the most out of Santa Monica with your mates because it is one of the highlights of Year 9.

James Murray

Some challenges I overcame at Santa Monica was keeping up with jobs, duties and chores. I also think most of us have overcame the fear of the hikes. The hikes were definitely the hardest part of camp only because of how far we had to walk and the steep hills we had to climb. Although with all those challenges I think we would all rather be there than school right now even though we complained way too much at the time.

Rohan Minniti