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Also in this edition

It has been a busy term at Resurrection House, as we head towards semester exams in the coming weeks. Mr Camenzuli came and spoke to the boys at an assembly during the week to outline various strategies for success in these exams, and the students were also reminded of the importance of looking after their overall health and wellbeing during this period.

They were reminded about the required materials to bring and to be responsible for organising their study. I look forward to seeing the students complete these with dedication and perseverance, and ultimately achieving grades that reflect their hard work that I have seen them put in across the semester.

The portfolio captains have been busy implementing initiatives in their various areas across the campus, including:

Academic – Starting next Monday and Wednesday, the Academic captains will be running peer Homework Help sessions at recess. This will compliment the very popular before school Homework Help (in which more than 80 students have accessed this service this year so far). A reminder this is held every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30am in room 502.

Sport – The Sport captains have introduced a 3v3 lunchtime Basketball competition which has proved to be very popular as they aim at getting all students active in their breaks.

Art – Year 9 music students have been performing at year level assemblies which has been great to see, and will be playing at an upcoming BBQ at lunchtime next week. The Arts captains are really encouraging all students to give music a go even if they've never tried it before.

Wellbeing and Ministry – The Wellbeing and Ministry captains are joining forces to coordinate and host a BBQ fundraiser next week for Reconciliation Week.

Other highlights from the term so far include:

Sovereign Hill

All Year 9’s have now visited Sovereign Hill and it proved a great opportunity for the students to learn about the Gold Rush first hand, an important part of their Humanities curriculum.


The Football, Soccer and Badminton ACC seasons are well underway, with the highlights currently being Division 3 Football, who sit second on the ladder, and Division Three Soccer who are third on the ladder, leading into finals in a few weeks. Good luck to all teams in finishing their seasons well.

Looking forward, other than exams, a major highlight will be the commencement of the

Interdisciplinary Program with Ave Maria, which begins in a few weeks, on the 21st of June. Day 1 will be hosted at Resurrection House. The students will participate in two sessions of activities:

Session 1 – working in groups of 5 boys and 3 girls, students will be set tasks to complete, including ice breakers, initiative tasks, maths problems as well as riddles and puzzles. The aim is to get the groups working together to communicate and problem solve. This will then be unpacked and discussed as a class.

Session 2 – working in the same groups, students will undertake a number of physical activities, including Table Tennis, European Handball, Drama Games and Lawn Games. Again the focus will be on building connections through teamwork and collaboration.

We look forward to continuing and building on this new venture and partnership with Ave Maria College!

Mr Jacob Sweeney
